For example, 1 is happy number because 12 = 1.
7 is a happy number because
72 = 49
42 + 92 = 97
92 + 72 = 130
12 + 32 + 02 = 10
12 + 02 = 1.
4 is not a happy number because
42 = 16
12 + 62 = 37
32 + 72 = 58
52 + 82 = 89
82 + 92 = 145
12 + 42 + 52 = 42
42 + 22 = 20
22 + 02 = 4
that yields an infinite loop digit sum of squares.
Here is my attempt to write happy number in Scala way.
First, I need to define sumOfSquares function, implemented as follow:
1 def sumOfSquares(n: Int): Int = {
2 def sumOfSquares(n: Int, powOf10: Int, acc: Int): Int = {
3 if ( n / powOf10 == 0) {
4 acc
5 }
6 else {
7 val digit = (n / powOf10) % 10
8 val result = acc + digit * digit
9 sumOfSquares(n, powOf10 * 10, result)
10 }
11 }
12 sumOfSquares(n, 1, 0)
13 }
The function calls an inner method sumOfSquares that is a recursive function, taking into account that the sumOfSquares of an integer is the square of its last digit + the sumOfSquares the rest of the digits.
The isHappyNumber function is then defined as follow:
15 def isHappyNumber(n: Int) = {
16 def isHappyNumberList(n: Int, lst: Set[Int]): Boolean = {
17 sumOfSquares(n) match {
18 case 1 => true
19 case sum => !lst.contains(sum) && isHappyNumberList(sum, lst + n)
20 }
21 }
22 isHappyNumberList(n, Set.empty)
23 }
That is, if the sum of squares of n is 1, then n is a happy number, otherwise n is a happy number when its sum of squares is a happy number given the sequence of the sum of squares does not yield an infinite loop.To detect an infinite loop, a set of calculated sum of squares is kept and for each new generated sum, the program verifies that the number is not in the set already.