Monday, August 29, 2011

Fold Again: Fold Left using Fold Right

In my previous post, I have shown how fold can be used to implement other collection methods, like filter, map, length, reverse, or even dropWhile and break.

We wonder now whether it is possible to implement fold left using fold right. The article (Hutton, 1999) shows indeed that it is possible. The objective of this post is then to show it in Scala and discuss a little bit about fold universality.

Before implementing fold left using fold right, let's implement something simpler. Let's implement suml, a function that is similar to sum we discussed in the previous post. Instead of summing from right to left, we want suml to sum from left to right.

The following illustrates the difference between sum and suml:
   1 sum(Stream(1, 2, 3, 4))= 1 + (2 + (3 + 4))
   2 suml(Stream(1, 2, 3, 4))= (((1 + 2) + 3) + 4)

As described in (Hutton, 1999), it turns out that we can't directly implement suml using fold. What possible is to define suml_ that returns a function Int=> Int. Here is the implementation:

   1 def suml_(xs:Stream[Int]) = {
   2     def combine(x:Int, g: =>Int=>Int) = (acc:Int)=>g(acc +x)
   3     foldr(combine, (x:Int)=>x)(xs)
   4 }
   5 def sum(xs:Stream[Int])=suml_(xs)(0)

When suml_(Stream(1, 3, 4, 5)) is called, it returns actually

((_:Int) + 5) compose ((_:Int) + 4) 
compose ((_:Int) + 3) compose ((_:Int)+ 1) 
compose ( (x:Int)=>x)
Note that, the returned function is actually an Int=>Int function, and when it receives 0 as its input, it returns (((1 + 3) + 4) + 5) = 13. Also note a special function, the identity function (x:Int)=>x.

OK, Great. What about foldl? Well, it is the generalization of suml above. Here is the foldl implementation:

   1 def foldl_[A,B](f: (A,B)=>B, xs:Stream[A]) = {
   2    def combine(x: A, g: =>B=>B) = (acc:B)=> g(f(x,acc)) 
   3    foldr(combine, (a:B)=>a)(xs)
   4 }
   5 def foldl[A,B](f:(A,B)=>B, base:B, xs:Stream[A]) = foldl_(f,xs)(base)

Let's give a shot:
   1 scala> foldl( (_:Int) + (_:Int), 0, Stream(1, 3, 4, 5))
   2 res1: Int = 13
   4 scala> foldl( (_:Int) * (_:Int), 1, Stream(1, 3, 4, 5))
   5 res2: Int = 60

Excellent. But, all this looks like a magic, right? Is there a systematic way to derive a implementation of a function using fold? Fortunately, yes. Here we come to the most interesting part of (Hutton, 1999).

Fold Universality and  Fusion Property of Fold

Two  important concepts explained in (Hutton, 1999) is fold universality and fusion property of fold.

The fold universality states that the two Scala code below are equivalent:
Code 1
   1 def g[A,B](xs: Stream[A], f:(A, B)=>B, v:B): B = 
   2   if (xs.isEmpty) v else 
   3   f(xs.head, g(xs.tail, f, v))

Code 2
   1 def g[A,B](xs:Stream[A], f:(A,B)=>B, v:B) = foldr(f,v)(xs)

Or more concise, in haskell symbols:
   1 g[]     = v
   2                       <=>   g = fold f v
   3 g(x:xs) = f x (g xs)    

And the fusion property of fold states the following:
1 h w = v
2                          => h . fold g w = fold f v
3 h(g x y) = f x (h y)

Let's have examples.

First, let's see how universal property of fold is useful to derive an implementation of a function using fold.

We will start with the recursive definition of foldl:
1 foldl     [] f v  = v
2 foldl (x:xs) f v  = foldl xs f (f v x) 

In scala:
1 def foldl[A,B](xs:Stream[A], f:(B,A)=>B, v:B): B = {
2    if (xs.isEmpty) v
3    else foldl(xs.tail, f, f(v, xs.head))
4 }

Unfortunately, foldl does not match directly with universal property definition. We need then an auxiliary method foldl_ :

1 def foldl_[A,B](xs:Stream[A]) = foldl[A,B](xs:Stream[A], (_:(B,A)=>B), (_:B))

That is, foldl function without the last two parameters.

We're ready to use universal property now:
foldl_ [] = v
foldl_ (x:xs) = f x (foldl_ xs)

Here, v is the identity function =id.

foldl_ (x:xs) g a = f x (foldl_ xs) g a
{Definition of foldl}
foldl_ xs g (g a x) = f x (foldl_ xs) g a
{Generalizing foldl_ xs = h}
h g (g a x) = f x h g a
f = (λx h -> (λa -> h(g a x)))

So, we got:
foldl xs f v = foldr((λx h -> (λa -> h(g a x)))) id xs v

When translated to Scala, we obtain the code explained at the beginning of the post.


Now, go for fusion property. Recall our map definition defined in the previous post (I modified a little bit):

   1 def map[A,B](f1:A=>B) = {
   2    def combine(x:A, xs:Stream[B]) = f1(x) #:: xs
   3    foldr(combine, Stream.empty)
   4 }
Note that the combine function can be represented as λx xs->f1 x : xs .

We would like to (a little bit informally) prove that map(f1) compose map(f2) =  map(f1 compose f2).
From the equation, we can substitute:
h = map(f1)
g = λx xs->f2(x):xs
w = v = Stream.empty = []
f = f1 compose f2

map(f1) [] = []
map(f1) (g(x,xs)) = map(f1) ( f2(x):xs )
                  = (f1 compose f2)(x):map(f1)(xs)

So, the equation map(f1) compose map(f2) =  map(f1 compose f2)indeed holds.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Folding Stream with Scala

Couple of weeks ago, I read a well known paper on expressiveness of fold (Hutton, 1999). The paper is a very interesting paper that explains how fold is a very powerful construct.

The codes in the paper are written in Haskell and therefore assumes laziness. This means that the execution of function in Haskell is delayed until it is really needed. This is not the case for Scala, where the operation is executed eagerly, or in other word, it's strict instead of lazy.

Stream is the implementation of lazy list in Scala. Using Stream, the elements are only evaluated when they are needed. So, we may expect that Stream is close to Haskell's list.

The use of scala Stream and fold right are the topic of this post.

Fold Right
Let's back to fold. The paper I mentioned above (Hutton, 1999) showed how expressive fold construct, especially foldRight. The objective of this post is to show the same things as the paper, but in Scala.

Let's see the problem we may encounter. The following Haskell code works:
   1 Prelude> foldr (||) False (repeat True)
   2 True

But not the following Scala code:
   1 Stream.continually(true).foldRight(false)(_ || _)

because the code above throws StackOverflowError.

The reason of the error is because Stream.foldRight is not actually lazy. When I read the article and wondered how the non-laziness of Stream.foldRight could be solved, I received Tony Morris' tweet telling that scalaz fixes the non-laziness. The following is the reimplementation of lazy foldRight for Stream inspired by Foldr scalaz implementation:

2 def foldr[A, B]( combine: (A, =>B) => B, base: B )(xs: Stream[A]): B = {
3    if (xs.isEmpty) 
4      base
5    else 
6      combine(xs.head,  foldr(combine, base)(xs.tail))
7 }

The following code works without StackOverflowError:

   1 def combine(x: Boolean, y: =>Boolean) = x || y
   2 foldr(combine, false)(Stream.continually(true))  

The key of the foldr implementation above is in thetype definition of combine parameter: (A, =>B) instead of (A,B). This makes the second parameter evaluated lazily.

Some Fold Right Uses
The following shows some familiar functions implemented using foldr.
   1 def sum(xs: Stream[Int]) = {
   2     def combine(x: Int, y: =>Int) = x + y
   3     foldr(combine, 0)(xs)
   4 }
   5 def product(xs: Stream[Int]) = {
   6     def combine(x: Int, y: =>Int) = x * y
   7     foldr(combine, 1)(xs)
   8 }
   9 def and(xs: Stream[Boolean]) = {
  10    def combine(x: Boolean, y: =>Boolean) = x && y
  11    foldr(combine, true)(xs)  
  12 }
  13 def or(xs: Stream[Boolean]) = {
  14    def combine(x: Boolean, y: =>Boolean) = x || y
  15    foldr(combine, false)(xs)  
  16 }

Using Fold Right to Implement Scala Collection Functions
As in (Hutton, 1999), the following section shows how Fold Right can be used to implement some functions. At the first time, let's see length, filter, reverse, flatten, and map implementations.
   1 def map[A,B](f:A=>B, xs:Stream[A]) = {
   2    def combine(x:A, xs: =>Stream[B]) = f(x)  #:: xs
   3    val base:Stream[B] = Stream.empty
   4    foldr(combine, base)(xs)
   5 }
   6 def length[A](xs: Stream[A]) = {
   7     def combine(x: A, len: =>Int) = len + 1
   8     foldr(combine, 0)(xs)
   9 }
  10 def reverse[A](xs: Stream[A]) = {
  11     def combine(x: A, xs: =>Stream[A]) = Stream.concat(xs, Stream(x))
  12     val base:Stream[A] = Stream.empty
  13     foldr(combine, base)(xs)
  14 }
  15 def filter[A](p:A=>Boolean, xs: Stream[A]) = {
  16    def combine(x: A, xs: =>Stream[A]) = if (p(x)) x #:: xs else xs 
  17    foldr(combine , Stream.empty)(xs)
  18 }
  19 def filterNot[A](p:A=>Boolean, xs: Stream[A]) = {
  20    def combine(x: A, xs: =>Stream[A]) = if (p(x)) xs else x #:: xs 
  21    val base:Stream[A] = Stream.empty  
  22    foldr(combine, base)(xs)
  23 }
  24 def flatten[A](xss: Stream[Stream[A]]) = {
  25    def combine(xs: Stream[A], ys: =>Stream[A]) = xs #::: ys
  26    val base: Stream[A] = Stream.empty
  27    foldr(combine, base)(xss)
  28 }
  29 def partition[A](p:A=>Boolean, xs:Stream[A]) = {
  30    (filter(p, xs), filterNot(p, xs))
  31 }

Note that, the functions like flatten, filter, and map, work with infinite Streams. See the following examples:
   1 scala> map( (_:Int)+1, Stream.from(1))
   2 res2: Stream[Int] = Stream(2, ?)
   4 scala> res2.take(4).toList
   5 res3: List[Int] = List(2, 3, 4, 5)
   7 scala> filter( (_:Int) % 2 ==0, Stream.from(10)).take(5).toList
   8 res5: List[Int] = List(10, 12, 14, 16, 18)
  10 scala> partition( (_:Int) % 2 == 0, Stream.from(20))
  11 res6: (scala.collection.immutable.Stream[Int], Stream[Int]) = (Stream(20, ?),Stream(21, ?))
  13 scala>  flatten(Stream.continually(Stream(1, 3, 4))).take(10).toList
  14 res13: List[Int] = List(1, 3, 4, 1, 3, 4, 1, 3, 4, 1)

Implementing dropWhile and break
One of the most interesting part of (Hutton, 1999) is the dropWhile implementation using foldr. The implementation is shown in the following code:

   1 def dropWhile[A](pred: A => Boolean, xs: Stream[A])= {
   2    def combine(x: A, xs: =>(Stream[A], Stream[A])) = 
   3       if (pred(x)) 
   4          (xs._1, x #:: xs._2) 
   5       else 
   6          (x #:: xs._2, x #:: xs._2)
   7    val base:(Stream[A], Stream[A]) = (Stream.empty, Stream.empty)
   8    foldr(combine, base)(xs) _1
   9 }

Instead of directly producing the result, a tuple of Streams is returned. The first Stream is the result and the second one is used for bookkeeping purpose.
The following illustrates an execution of dropWhile:

   1 dropWhile( (_:Int)<5, Stream(1,2,7,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)) 
   2 10 => ( (10), (10))
   3 9  => ( (9,10), (9,10))
   4 8  => ( (8,9,10), (8,9,10))
   5 7  => ( (7,8,9,10), (7,8,9,10))
   6 6  => ( (6,7,8,9,10), (6,7,8,9,10))
   7 5  => ( (5,6,7,8,9,10), (5,6,7,8,9,10))
   8 4  => ( (5,6,7,8,9,10), (4,5,6,7,8,9,10))
   9 3  => ( (5,6,7,8,9,10), (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10))
  10 7  => ( (7, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), (7,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10))
  11 2  => ( (7, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), (2, 7,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10))
  12 1  => ( (7, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), (1, 2, 7,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)) 

What surprising is that the solution actually works for infinite Stream too as illustrated in the following code:
   1 scala> dropWhile( (_:Int)<5, Stream.from(1)).take(10).toList
   2 res17: List[Int] = List(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)

The last interesting function implemented here is break. The  equivalent of Haskell's break in Scala collection is called span (Update, Oct 24 thanks to oxbow). The break function creates a tuple of two lists separated at condition boundary. Example:

   1 scala> val (a,b) = break( (_:Int)<5, Stream.from(1))
   2 a: Stream[Int] = Stream(1, ?)
   3 b: Stream[Int] = Stream(5, ?)
   5 scala> a.toList
   6 res22: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
   8 scala> b.take(5).toList
   9 res23: List[Int] = List(5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

The implementation of break here, of course, highly inspired from dropWhile one:
   1 def break[A](pred: A=>Boolean, xs: Stream[A]) = {
   2    def combine(x: A, xs: =>(Stream[A], Stream[A], Stream[A])) =
   3       if (pred(x)) 
   4         (xs._1, x #:: xs._2, x #:: xs._3)             
   5       else
   6         (x #:: xs._3, Stream.empty, x #:: xs._3) 
   8    val base:(Stream[A], Stream[A], Stream[A]) = (Stream.empty, Stream.empty, Stream.empty)
  10    val result = foldr(combine, base)(xs) 
  11    (result._2, result._1)
  12 }

In this blog post, I showed the result of playing around with Stream and fold right. First, I rewrote the implementation of foldRight, showed the use of foldRight, expressed some collection functions using foldRight, and finally provided dropWhile and break.

The blog post does not have intention to overcome the non-laziness of Scala language. Scala is not a lazy language, and I think it's not appropriate to use lazy evaluation as the main stream of the codes.

Pope (Pope, 2010 ?) in Monad Reader 6 discussed further the implementation of dropWhile. He presented two further solutions based on higher order function composition. He also presented the fold implementation using what is so called fix function. See to have an idea of what Fix function is.
