The problem is expressed in a little bit history of prime number, but finally the real problem is here: "What is the 10 last digits of the following prime number: 28433

The other thing is the modular exponentiation, excellently explained here: . Basically, the techniques are very useful to compute bp mod m by observing that (a*b) mod m = ( (a mod m) * (b mod m) ) mod m.
Taking that into account, b2 mod m can be calculated as ( (b mod m) * (b mod m) ) mod m, and
b3 mod m =( ( b mod m) * ( b2 mod m) )mod m and so on.
When this is translated to Scala it becomes:
1 dev div(b: Long, exp: Long, m: BigInt): BigInt = {
2 def div(b: Long, counter: Long,
3 m: BigInt, result: BigInt): BigInt = {
4 if (counter == 0)
5 result
7 else div(b, counter - 1, m, (result * b) % m)
8 }
9 div(b, exp, m, 1)
10 }
With this in our hand, we can then get the last 10 digit of 27830457 which nothing less than 27830457
mod 10000000000. Using div method above, we can get then the last 10 digits of the term. We can multiply the result with 28433 and then add 1 to get the answer to the problem.OK. That was my 39th solved problem.
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